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Planned Giving

Planned Giving Opportunities

Gain special tax advantages and include ESLC in your long-term philanthropic plans.
Support ESLC Now and in the Future!

If you want to help make a lasting impact on ESLC, consider including ESLC in your long-term philanthropic plans.  ESLC can help you express your passion for reading literacy and assure the future of ESLC while providing current income and decreasing your tax burden.


Including ESLC in your will is an easy way to make a generous gift that assures future impact. You may wish to leave a fixed dollar amount or you might want to give a percentage of your estate in your will or trust.

Sample language for Wills & Trusts:

I give and devise to the East Side Learning Center, a not-for-profit corporation of the State of Minnesota [EIN 04-3699678], _____ percent of my estate (or the residue or the sum of money $______; or the properties, securities, etc. described herein) to be used for its unrestricted purposes, or for its endowment.

Ways to Give

Designated funds – Designated funds ensure that your gift has maximum impact.  Your fund will be managed as part of a diversified investment portfolio, and grant distributions may grow annually.

Charitable gift annuity – In return for your gift, you receive a guaranteed, fixed income for life at a rate that’s often higher than that of a savings account or certificate of deposit.

Charitable remainder trust – A charitable remainder trust allows you to make a charitable gift, receive income throughout your lifetime, and also possibly benefit from a tax reduction or reduction of capital gains tax.

Take the next step
Please contact for more information. We can work with you and your professional advisors to develop a plan that’s the right fit for you.

For other ways to give to ESLC, refer to our gift acceptance policy.

Disclaimer:  This information is not intended to substitute for legal or tax advice.  For information on how a charitable gift may affect your personal situation, please consult with your professional advisors.


Directly transfer stocks and securities. An excellent use of stock that has substantially increased in value. The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible and there is no obligation to pay capital gains taxes on the appreciation.

Please let us know if you intend to gift stock at (and we are always ready to help!). 

IRA Distributions. At age 70 ½, IRA owners are required by law to take mandatory minimum distributions. The passage of permanent IRA Charitable Rollover legislation has enabled donors to plan each year in advance. Transfer your gift to ESLC directly from the IRA or write a check from the IRA up to a $100,000 limit.