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Success Stories

At the beginning of the school year, Racquel was distraught, because she couldn’t read.  She was very sad.  Throughout these many weeks, Racquel attended every session and worked very hard. Then one December morning while meeting with her mentor, Racquel’s face lit up when she announced: “A month ago I couldn’t read and now I can!”  Then she whispered to her mentor, “It’s because you and Mr. Scott helped me.”

Addison is in 2nd grade.  She started with her mentor in late October.  Her first words to her mentor were “I can't read,” said with the decisiveness of one who really believed it. A week ago Addison said excitedly, "I read 3 books!"  And indeed she had! She told everybody in our room, and then left to go tell her teacher and all her classmates.

Shia, a 3rd grade student from the Hmong community, lives in a home where English is not spoken. When she started the school year, she told Mark, her mentor, that she thinks she would never be good in school. At the beginning of the year, she barely read at the first grade level. She knew just 17 sight words. Throughout the school year, as Shia moved away from her fears and doubts, her confidence and reading scores soared! She was reading confidently by the end of the year.