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Spotlight Funders

East Side Learning Center extends heartfelt gratitude to our funders whose unwavering dedication to children has profoundly impacted our mission to foster literacy and reading skills essential for lifelong success. Your generous support is paving the way for a brighter future for the next generation.

AARP Foundation Experience Corps

Athwin Foundation

Believe in Reading Foundation

Benjamin & Marion Bregi Foundation

C. H. Robinson Foundation

Carpenter, Evert & Associates

Casey Albert T. O'Neil Foundation

Charity Incorporated

Ciresi Walburn Foundation for Children

CLA Foundation

Dollar General Literacy Foundation

Ecolab Foundation

Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation

Excelsior Rotary Foundation

F.R. Bigelow Foundation

Hardenbergh Foundation

Kinney Family Foundation

Linda A. Reese Memorial Foundation of The Saint Paul Foundation

Lunds & Byerlys Downtown St. Paul

March Family Foundation

Messerli Kramer Foundation

Mortenson Family Foundation

Otto Bremer Trust

The Gertrude R. Shiely Charitable Trust

The Nora Roberts Foundation

The Richard M. Schulze Foundation

The St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation

The Tegna Foundation

Walser Foundation

Warren Foundation